Since 2013, the Extracellular RNA Communication Consortium has been working to understand the biological functions of extracellular RNAs and vesicles in the healthy body and in disease, to identify biomarkers of disease that can be assayed from biofluids rather than through an invasive biopsy, and to develop therapies for disease using extracellular RNA and extracellular vesicles.
The ERCC’s 9th semi-annual meeting, ERCC9, was held on November 6-7, 2017 at the Hilton Washington DC / Rockville Hotel & Executive Meeting Center, Rockville, Maryland. ERCC9 was the first consortium meeting open to the public, and we hope all participants agree that the conference strengthened the field of exRNA research going forward, providing cross-fertilization and opportunities for collaboration between consortium members and the wider scientific community.
This page remains as a reference for conference participants. If you have questions about the conference or need help finding another researcher you met there, please contact info@exRNA.org and we will try to make the connection.
Presentations were organized around the following topics.
- Ia. Extracellular Vesicle Biogenesis and Function
- Ib. Discussion – Cargo Sorting and Loading
- II. exRNA and Extracellular Vesicle Standards and Resources
- III. Research, Diagnosis and Biomarkers
- IV. Therapeutic uses of exRNA and Extracellular Vesicles
- V. Cutting-edge Technologies
- VI. Discussion Session – Future Directions of Research
The full conference program is available here.
The conference agenda is below, as well as in PDF form here.

- If you are interested in hosting a workshop on extracellular RNA and the resources available from the ERC consortium to help in your exRNA research, please fill out this survey and leave your contact information.
- SUNDAY NOV 5th, 6:00pm – 8:00pm: “Vesicle Isolation & Function: Translating vesicle biology to clinical therapy.”
The primary goal of this workshop was determining optimal separation strategies for functional vesicle testing. The chosen separation strategy must be able to scale up vesicle yield while maintaining functional activity in different biological systems. We discussed conventional ultracentrifugation (UC), UC followed by density gradient, tangential flow filtration (TFF), size exclusion chromatography followed by TFF, and others.
- MONDAY NOV 6th, 11:30am – 12:00pm: “ERCC Data Management & Resource Repository Workshop.”
The DMRR workshop highlighted DMRR-developed online resources that are available for the scientific community. The focus was on the Virtual Biorepository (VBR), which aims to connect researchers in need of biosamples with geographically distributed researchers in possession of shareable biosamples, and to assist in arranging biosample exchange. A brief background on the genesis of the VBR, key goals, and user guidelines was described, and future plans reviewed. The demo covered VBR functionality, including content and overview of the 43,724 biosamples from various diseases and conditions, how to execute and save searches, view and store search results, contact biosample providers to request biosamples, and how to join the VBR as a biosample provider. On behalf of the DMRR, the workshop was hosted by Matt Roth and the VBR demo given by William Thistlethwaite, both from Baylor College of Medicine. Please contact William (William.Thistlethwaite@bcm.edu) to learn more about contributing to the VBR.
- Abstracts were reviewed by the trans-NIH exRNA Project Team and by the ERCC Chairs and co-Chairs assigned for each of the sessions.
- Parameters considered for final selection were Innovation, Experimental Approach, Data Quality, and Impact.
The meeting was held in the Plaza Ballroom at the Hilton Washington DC / Rockville Hotel & Executive Meeting Center,
1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland USA 20852-1699.
Thank you for joining us in Rockville for ERCC9!