The exRNA Atlas is developed and maintained by the Data Management and Resource Repository (DMRR). It includes exRNA profiles derived from various biofluids and conditions and currently stores data profiled from small RNA sequencing assays. The datasets are uniformly processed using the exceRpt small RNA-seq pipeline. Faceted filtering and data navigation tools are enabled by rich metadata standards developed by the consortium and metadata annotations contributed by the data producers. Uniform data quality metrics agreed by the consortium are applied to all datasets. The Atlas will be updated regularly with new profiles. Using the consortium login option gives ERC consortium members access to datasets which have not yet been pubicly released.
View this video tutorial to explore the various features available in the exRNA Atlas.
Data Quality Control Standards
The wiki at the ERC Consortium's Data Coordination Center includes information about the DCC data submission pipeline.
The DMRR has developed several use cases based on consortium members' datasets and publications. The purpose of these use cases is to highlight the software tools developed by the DMRR, with the goal that all future datasets generated by the consortium can be analyzed reproducibly and compared to each other.
2019 Update: See Murillo et al. for an integrative analysis of data in exRNA Atlas version 4P1. The use cases below use older versions of exceRpt and other software. They are good introductory tutorials, but please use them with caution. If you need help with a use case not covered by what you see here, please contact us at
Murillo OD et al. "exRNA Atlas analysis reveals distinct extracellular RNA cargo types and their carriers present across human biofluids" Cell (2019) 177: 463-477.