The 2015 meeting of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (4/23-26) and the joint Educational Day of the NIH Extracellular RNA Communication Consortium and ISEV (4/22) are rapidly approaching.
Late-breaking abstracts for ISEV2015 are now being accepted through Monday, March 16th through this website. Registration discounts are available to those who join ISEV/ISEV-Americas for a nominal fee.
We expect up to 1000 EV researchers during the event, beginning with the joint Educational Day on April 22nd. The Educational Day will be followed by the main ISEV2015 meeting, with four days of abstract-driven presentations and poster sessions. Plenary speakers include NIH Director Francis Collins, Nobel Laureate James Rothman, EV pioneer Xandra Breakefield, and miRNA co-discoverer Gary Ruvkun. A Potomac River cruise on Friday evening, April 24th, will provide an unforgettable networking opportunity. Please consider joining us and urging your colleagues and group members to submit abstracts!
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